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Empower Every Learner to Thrive!

Grade 7 - Quest

Click here for Team Quest website

Alicia Overbeck - Team Leader

Math 7, Accelerated Math 7

Kate Vig


Makayla Koski


Derrick Leithold

Global Studies
Jennifer Flanagan  Life Science
Hunter Sigette


Kielly Richter

Math 6, 8, Transmath I, II and III

Nathan Humann

Science 6, 7, 8 

Kim Otos FACS
Justin Boles Health
Synergy Teachers with Quest Students
Ramie Turner English
Daniel Murphy Global Stud

Team Quest teachers' planning periods are 3 & 4 (10:13-11:45 am).
Please call the school during that time if you have any questions or concerns.  Email anytime.