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Absence Procedure

The safety of our students is important.  Every student needs to be accounted for.  If your student will be absent, call the office at 323-4557 or send an email.  We have a 24-hour answering system so you can leave a message at any time. If your student will be late, please call the Attendance Office 323-4557. Students will be marked unexcused until notification from a parent or guardian is received. 

Planned AbsencesIf you plan for your child to be absent for any reason, please have your student bring a note to the Attendance Office with the dates they will be absent.  Your student will also need to communicate the days they will miss with their teachers and ask them about any assignments they may miss while absent. 

Leaving the school during the dayA parent/guardian needs to submit a note with the reason to leave to the Attendance Office before 1st period the day of the request.   A “Cut-Slip” will be given to the student excusing them from class at the noted time.  If the student is leaving with someone other than the parent or guardian, that must also be noted.  Students will not be able to check themselves out.  Parents need to enter the building and sign out their student as close to the time noted as possible.  This process should reduce the number of teaching interruptions and get you to your appointments and on your way quickly.   When your student returns to school, they must check-in at the office and get a slip back to class. 

Medical Excuses Notes are needed from the doctor's office.